
Aphrodisia/Beet Root/Red Beauty


Bliss potion - Amazing blend to elevate the mood & activate the brain.

Red Beauty

Beet Root

Rich and delicious, this juice should be your go-to pre-workout.

Power Boosts

Customize your juice with one of the following nutrient-rich powders for an additional $1.50 each.

Purchase this product now and earn 6 Points!


All of our juices have a 4 day shelf life.

3 Pack of:

-16 oz Aphrodisia

Young Coconut Meat / Coconut Water / Maca & Raw Cacao Powder / Dates

  • Good source of electrolytes
  • Helps stimulate digestion
  • Great midday boost
  • Hangover cure
  • Is a mood enhancer and a powerful boost that will put you in a happy place

-16 oz Red Beauty

Strawberry / Pear / Lime / Ginger

  • Vitamin C gets rid of cravings
  • Helps stimulate healthy digestion
  • Has 3x antioxidants of Green Tea, Wine and Blueberries

-16 oz Beet Root

Beet / Carrot / Apple / Celery / Lemon / Ginger

  • Sophisticated flavor
  • Hydrating and alkalizing
  • Helps stimulate healthy digestion
  • Revs up metabolism and helps to boost workouts
  • Beets are a good source of vitamins A, B & C, iron, fiber, beta-carotene, folic acid, and magnesium.



Additional information



16 oz.

Red Beauty


16 oz.

Beet Root


16 oz.