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F R E S H  P R E S S E D

It’s winter time, which means it’s soup time! And soup has some serious healing powers…just ask your doctor or your grandmother.

Have you ever noticed how satisfied you feel after eating a delicious bowl of healthy soup? Soup is truly food for your body and soul, giving you immune-boosting nutrients and making you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. 

And, when you fuel your mind, body and soul first and foremost, you will then be able to juggle the rest of your life with a renewed patience and love for everything you do…

This is

F R E S H  P R E S S E D,

where we share what’s on our minds with “no additives included.”


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This custom cleanse includes an assortment of fresh, organic soups, handcrafted juices and energizing boosts made daily and jam-packed with all of the nutrients, vitamins and enzymes needed to satisfy, repair and rejuvenate your body.

When you sign up for the cleanse you will receive:
1. 9 detoxifying soups
2. 6  rejuvenating juices
3. A daily wellness boost


2 Complimentary Pure Boosts & our 3 Day Detox Guide


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[av_button label=’Shop Cleanse’ link=’manually,https://satyajuice.com/shop/detox-soups/3-day-soup-juice-cleanse/’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#993d85′ custom_font=’#ffffff’]

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Adopting a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, and self-improvement. What do these three things have in common? They are the top three New Years resolutions every single year. This shows us that we clearly want to improve ourselves. We vow to make each year different, but then we somehow lose track and end up at the bottom of our own priority list. It’s not easy. It’s no simple task that has an end date. But, it does have a start date and only one person who can do it is YOU.

Stay committed to all of the goals you have set for 2018. Healthy living starts now.

If you need an extra kick to get yourself in gear, consider our newest Soup & Juice cleanse. It’s the best of both worlds, allowing you to drink and eat your way to health.  Our custom cleanse includes 3 days of fresh, organic soups, handcrafted cold-pressed juices and tasty wellness boosts, packed with all of the nutrients, vitamins and enzymes your body needs.

But this cleanse is about more than the amazing fruits and veggies you’ll receive. It’s a lesson in mindfulness; a lesson in control. It’s an opportunity for a clean slate and a chance to hit the re-start button.

Make YOU a priority by fueling your body with all of the good stuff this year. Your body will thank you when you do, and you’ll thank those veggies for your renewed energy and lighter step.

Best in Health,


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