In this edition we will discuss tips on how to combat the change of weather that comes with the transition between the Seasons, including ways to figure out if your body is ready for a detox,
and a delicious detox soup recipe that will blow your mind!

This edition will also feature the healthier and better ways to consume the beloved Pumpkin Spice blend, which actually has a nutritional foundation.

We are also happy to welcome two new juice flavors:
P u m p k i n  S m o o t h i e  and  S a p p h i r e !

This is F R E S H  P R E S S E D,
where we share whats on our minds with “no additives included.

G E T  O V E R  T H O S E  H U M P  D A Y S
B L U E S 
W I T H  S A T Y A  J U I C E ‘ S  N E W
J U I C E  H A P P Y  H O U R !

We all know how that after Wednesday, the weekend seems so close, yet so far. So to make the time go by quicker we are now offering a
Satya Juice Happy Hour!

Every Wednesday evening, you will receive $1 off all Satya juices when you place your order between 7:00pm and 9:00pm on Wednesday evenings!

Your order will be made fresh and delivered the day you choose.
Enter promo code “Healthy Hour” at time of checkout!

(offered for a limited time, order now and choose your delivery date to receive discounts ; )

Don’t forget to try our new Sapphire juice! Rich with Blue Majik, mint, coconut meat & water, pineapple, lime and  Himalyan Sea Salt, this juice can help lower inflammation levels, improve cardiovascular health and mood, and optimize nerve and brain function!

psst we are obsessed!

H O W  T O  T E L L  Y O U R  B O D Y  I S  R E A D Y  F O R  A  C L E A N S E 

As the seasons change, it is important to keep up with our health so that we can be in tip top shape to avoid catching whatever is going around. What better way to do that, then with a detox!You’re feeling sluggish.

Feeling fatigued, lethargic and having a foggy brain are all tied to decreased blood flow, poor management of blood sugar and sometimes stress or nutrient deficiencies.You constantly crave junk food.

Cravings for things like sugar, fast food, refined carbs and sugary drinks are often tied to both unhealthy habits and dysfunctional physiological processes like insulin resistance.You have high cholesterol.

Studies suggest that fasting can decrease levels of “bad cholesterol” in the body and regulate triglycerides, and it also seems to have neutral or even positive effects on “good cholesterol.”Your digestion is off.

Digestion can suffer for many reasons, including emotional stress, poor food choices, allergies and intake of food pollutants or bad bacteria. Digestive problems can manifest in a variety of ways that include constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, reflux or the development of leaky gut. Giving your digestive system a break from metabolizing solid foods for a period of time can encourage healing.

T H E  H E A L T H  B E N E F I T S  O F  P U M P K I N   S P I C E

When the Fall season comes around the infamous pumpkin spice blend seems to be all over the place. It can be pretty easy to get caught up in the frenzy. But what you need to know, is that although there are dozens of different ways to consume this delicious blend of spices- like in a coffee beverage, in doughnut form, or even flavored in Cheerios- behind all those processed and unnatural ingredients lies an actual nutritious foundation.As it happens, this delicious blend comes around during a time in which we are all stuck in bed with whatever cold is going around at the time. What we now know is that this pumpkin spice blend can actual help battle these cold-forming conditions!

Although different pumpkin spice blends can vary, the core blend usually includes ground cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and allspice. These herbs will help you not only feel more focused but more productive as well. So why not get rid of all those bad fats and extra ingredients and trade in that Pumpkin Spice Latte for Satya’s healthy version that is just as satisfying and much better for you??

T I R E D  O F  THE  P S L ?  T R Y  O U R  N E W
P U M P K I N  S M O O T H I E . . .

H O T  O R  C O L D
T H A I  C A R R O T  C O C O N U T  L E M O N G R A S S
(coming soon to our food collection)
; )

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 white or yellow onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ginger, minced
  • 2 tablespoons red Thai curry paste
  • 2 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce
  • 3 cups low sodium vegetable broth
  • 1 14-ounce can light coconut milk
  • 1¾ pounds trimmed, peeled, and chopped carrots (about 6-7 cups, or 8-9 large carrots)
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, tough outer layers remove and pounded with a rolling pin or mallet to release essential oils (substitute 2 teaspoons lime zest)
  • Dash of crushed red pepper flakes
  • Juice of 1 lime

For the full recipe please visit The Full Helping!


Don’t forget to show us at Satya Juice which of our juices or cleanses make you happy by posting a picture on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag, #FallInLoveWithSatyaJuice!





