We rarely talk about food outside of the context of juice.
Today that changes.
We’ll be discussing plant-based nutrition, what it is and and why people love it.This is F R E S H  P R E S S E D,
where we share whats on our minds with “no additives included.” 

W H Y  W E  L O V E  P L A N T – B A S E D

We love the plant-based approach to eating because our objectives at Satya are bigger than simply juicing. Satya was founded to help people get well, feel well, and eat well.

We frequently talk about assisting people on “their journey to wellness.” Those words mean that  if someone wants to become healthier and initiate change we are here for them. We describe it as a journey because we are all at different stages of becoming the person we want to be.

That is why we are discussing plant-based nutrition today. This is a topic that anyone can relate to. Of fundamental importance is consuming real food, unprocessed products of the earth.

I think we can all agree, with either a sigh or a chuckle,
that we “should be eating more fruits and veggies”
Plant-based nutrition sheds light on why…

T H E  B A S I C S  O F
P L A N T – B A S E D  N U T R I T I O N

Plant-based whole foods can be incorporated into any lifestyle and to any extent.

It is one of many incredibly healthy diets for your body and it simply “makes sense!”

It allows us to connect more to our body and to our relationship with food. It helps create an awareness of how we can heal and nourish our bodies with food containing live nutrients.
(and just another excuse to buy gorgeous, vibrant produce!)

Why Plant-Based Foods Matter.

We stand up for health, our planet, our animals, and our communities.

It matters because everyday decisions are what inspires change. The change we want to make involves supporting the earth, protecting the living creatures that inhabit it, and nourishing our body with foods that heal.
What Foods Are Staples in Plant Based Nutrition?

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Root Crops (ex. beets, carrots)
  4. Tuber Crops (ex, yams, potatoes)
  5. Nuts
  6. Seeds
  7. Legumes (ex. beans)
  8. Yeast
  9. Mushrooms
  10. Grains

W H E R E  C A N  I  L E A R N  M O R E?

What the Health is a documentary that you may have seen on your Netflix “Now Trending” category or heard about in passing. It is starting a lot of conversations and delves into the direct correlations between food and disease.

A recommended watch for anyone interested in understanding why what we eat matters for ourselves but also on a broader scale.

M Y  A H – H A  M O M E N T !

I was fortunate in my 20’s to be able to travel the globe, and my greatest impression was of the open air food markets in places like Italy, Spain, and Thailand, where fresh fruits and vegetables in all their stunning color and variety were spread out for display and purchase. People bought fresh local produce for a day or two’s consumption. No processed food, canned, frozen or packaged food, just real food straight from mother earth.

At Satya, that is our truth, we take fresh organic, local when possible, fruits and vegetables, and press them till we fill up our bottles with just the juice that is squeezed out. All Real.


S A T Y A ‘ S   W E E K L Y   I N T E N T I O N

A N D  T H A T ‘ S  T H E
F R E S H  P R E S S E D  T R U T H !

Best Health,

Founder, Satya Juice

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